Our Members’ Voices

"My son came home one day, tears in his eyes, because the rich kid at school told him he's doomed when disaster strikes, that only his rich friends would be safe in a bunker. It broke my heart. No child should feel worthless, especially not from threats about surviving a catastrophe. That's why I believe in what Fast Forward stands for. If the rich think they can escape and leave the rest of us to suffer, they're wrong. We need to face what's coming together, so nobody's child feels left behind."

— Angela, Single Mom

"While scanning building plans, I came across a bunker blueprint that looked more like a luxury resort than a survival space. It had amenities I can’t even dream of, including a full medical suite. Meanwhile, my uncle struggles to get to his basic doctor appointments. Seeing these plans made me angry and pushed me towards Fast Forward. Why should a select few enjoy luxury when disaster strikes, while the rest struggle with everyday needs? We need big actions to ensure fairness, so everyone gets the same shot at survival, not just those with the means to build a utopia underground."

— Tom, Admin, City Planning

"I overheard a conversation between two clients about who they’d save or leave behind when the storms hit. It was like they were picking teams for a game, not deciding on human lives. Their lack of concern was chilling. Working at this spa, I hear a lot, but nothing struck me like this. It made me think, why should they decide who gets to live? Fast Forward's approach might seem extreme, but at least it’s fair—everyone should face the future together, not just those who can afford to hide."

— David, Masseuse

"Designing interiors for these underground sanctuaries, I've seen extravagance that few can imagine. The contrast between these opulent spaces and the average person's living conditions is stark and unsettling. It’s become clear to me that these luxury bunkers are more than just retreats; they're a way for the wealthy to escape problems that they often help create. As someone who thrives in creativity and fairness, I believe in actions that force us to face our challenges together. Accelerating the inevitable might just force us to find real solutions, together. It’s only fair that we all share the responsibility and the repercussions."

— Lou, Interior Designer

"My ex-boyfriend used to tell me his family's bunker would be our safe haven when everything falls apart. But as he became abusive, that promise turned into a threat. He said if I left him, I'd be dooming my family. No one should have that kind of power over another person. That’s why I support Fast Forward. It’s not just about speeding up climate change; it’s about stripping away the power from those who use fear to control others. Everyone deserves a fair chance, not just those who can threaten their way into safety."

— Emily, College Student

"I've wired up some of the fanciest bunkers you can imagine, places you'd think were luxury hotels if you didn't know better. As someone who's seen the insides of these hideouts, it just doesn't sit right with me. These bunkers are like fortresses for the ultra-rich, while folks in my community struggle to pay rent. How is it fair that only the wealthy get a safe spot when disaster hits? That's why I think everyone facing the same hardships makes sense. We need to level the playing field so everyone’s future is considered, not just those who can afford it."

— Sofia, Electrical Tech